Experiencing God 2025

February 7, 2025 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
138 out of 200 remaining tickets available

Experiencing God is a 10-week journey where we seek to hear the voice of God, know the will of God, and live it out. From February 7 to April 11, we'll be meeting on Fridays from 7:30pm-9:30PM at the Symphony Church Office (971 Commonwealth Ave, 3rd Fl) for a time of musical worship, a teaching, and time in a small group.

The registration fee is $20, which covers the cost of the Experiencing God workbook. If you would like to purchase the book on your own, you can do so at any one of the distributors linked below. If you purchase your own book, or already have one, you may register using the discount code "NOBOOK". Please note that this workbook will be written on.

Just a reminder that completing Experiencing God (attending the Friday gathering + doing the workbook) is a requirement for partnership at Symphony Church.

Below are the dates for EG. To complete EG, you may only miss max 2 sessions. If you have any questions or issues, you can reach out to Pastor Chan (chan.park@symphonychurch.com). We hope you'll join us on this EG journey!

February March April
2/7 3/7 4/4
2/14 3/14 4/11
2/21 3/21  
2/28 3/28  


  • Teaching/Small Group + Workbook

  • Teaching/Small Group Only

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