Symphony Church - We're excited to kick off another year of Small Groups!

The mission for all of our small groups is the same: to be a disciple-making community.


If you're looking to walk closely with brothers and sisters in your pursuit of Jesus,

the best step you can take at our church is to join a small group.


 Whether you're a College Student or a Young Adult, we have a community here for you!

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to share those on this form and we'll

be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.


Let's seek the Lord together this year!

Contact Info

College Family Group

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

Tip: Please select all weeknights that could work for you.

YA Small Groups

There are two ways for our YAs to be in a disciple-making community: Micro-Church and YA Family Group!

  1. Micro-Churches are for those who prefer smaller gatherings that meet in zone locations (at a home) for Sunday Service as well as mid-week gatherings.
  2. YA Family Groups are for those who prefer larger gatherings, looking to join our 11AM Sunday Service at Paradise Rock Club and meet in mid-week gatherings on Wednesdays.


YA Family Group


Tip: Please choose all that apply. If you have any particular preferences, please note it below in the comments.

Tip: Hosting would entail opening up your home for the group to meet. It does not necessarily equate to leading the small group.

Given the size of each Micro-Church and the frequency of gatherings, commitment is very important. If you'd like to join one, please take a moment to answer the following questions:

Local Address in Boston Area

This will only be used for organizing small groups in specific locations and upcoming events. We'd also love to mail Symphony's Christmas card at the end of the calendar year! :)

Any comments or questions?